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Alaska Extended Auto Warranty

Total Protection Plan

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Best Auto Warranty In Alaska

Alaska Is Covered – Read below about our Best Auto Warranty Coverage in Alaska

Extend The Life Of Your Vehicle! Total Auto Protect offers peace of mind. A standard manufacturer warranty lasts just a few years until your automobile actually needs repairs. The longer an automobile is driven, the more work that is needed over time. That’s why you need to choose Total Auto-Protect’s services. We offer peace of mind from unwanted auto repair bills, with a long-term effect protecting your budget as well, and the comfort of knowing a solution is a phone call away.

Why is it important to have an auto warranty in Alaska?

If you live in Alaska we are sure you know that your automobiles are essential and extremely important when living in the Last Frontier state. Due to the fluctuation of weather, residents have a year-round dependence on their automobiles to get around. In the winter most cars have trouble just starting up. Avoid the hassle and repair cost when it comes to repairing your car. A Total Auto Protection Plan will save you a ton of money on your next covered repair and can help give you the true peace of mind that you totally deserve.

Image by Eduardo Flores

How do I use my auto warranty in Alaska?

    When a covered issue is malfunctioning in your car in Alaska, call us anytime at 1 844-438-1444 or email us at

    There is usually an affordable deductible you pay and we take care of the rest for the covered claim, repair or replacement.

    You can choose any dealer, or local mechanic to perform the repairs on your vehicle with your Total Auto Protect service plan.

What does my auto warranty cover in Alaska?

A Total Auto Protect coverage plan will cover your vehicles Engine, Transmission, Drive Axle(s), Electrical, Cooling, Brakes, Trip Interruption, Dead Battery, Out Of Gas, Parts, Labor, Towing, Locksmith, Rental Car, 24 Hour Roadside Assistance, AWD, 4X4, Steering, Heating, Air Conditioning, Fuel System, ABS (Anti-Lock Brakes), Hi-Tech Electronics, Turbo, Supercharger, Suspension and much more! Feel free to compare coverage plans below.


Do you own a car in Alaska?

If you currently own, lease or finance a car in Alaska you can take advantage of a Total Auto Protect Warranty.
Some of the Benefits include:

Free Roadside Assistance

Nationwide Coverage

Guarantee on covered repairs

30 Day Money Back Gaurantee

Looking to purchase a car in Alaska?

Are you looking to purchase or have recently purchased a vehicle in Alaska? Take advantage of a Total Auto Protect Warranty.
Some of the Benefits include:

Save Money On Next Repair

Requesting Service is Fast & Easy

Fast & Hassle Free Repair

Looking to sell a car in Alaska?

Are you looking to sell or have recently sold a vehicle in Alaska? Take advantage of a Total Auto Protect Warranty.

Some of the Benefits include:

Get your vehicle sold faster.

Added value with the sale of your vehicle.

Avoid after sale disputes with the purchaser of the vehicle.

New Jersey buyers confidence is higher when backed up by an extended auto warranty total car protection plan.

The purchaser can avoid high repair cost of common issues that happen.

Image by Ildar Garifullin

Auto Warranty Coverage In Alaska Is Available In The Following Cities:

Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akutan, Alakanuk, Alatna, Alcan Border, Aleknagik, Aleneva, Allakaket, Alpine, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Anchorage municipality, Anchor Point, Anderson, Angoon, Aniak, Anvik, Arctic Village, Atka, Atmautluak, Atqasuk, Attu Station, Barrow, Bear Creek, Beaver, Beluga, Bethel, Bettles, Big Delta, Big Lake, Birch Creek, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Buffalo Soapstone, Butte, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chase, Chefornak, Chenega, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clark's Point, Coffman, Cove, Cohoe, Cold Bay, Coldfoot, College, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Copperville, Cordova, Covenant Life, Craig, Crooked Creek, Crown Point, Cube Cove, Deering, Delta Junction, Deltana, Diamond Ridge, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Dot Lake Village, Dry Creek, Eagle, Eagle Village, Edna Bay, Eek, Egegik, Eielson AFB, Ekwok, Elfin Cove, Elim, Emmonak, Ester, Evansville, Excursion, Inlet, Fairbanks, False Pass, Farm Loop, Ferry, Fishhook, Flat, Fort Greely, Fort Yukon, Four Mile Road, Fox, Fox River, Fritz Creek, Funny River, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Game Creek, Gateway, Glacier View, Glennallen, Golovin, Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Gulkana, Gustavus, Haines, Halibut Cove, Happy Valley, Harding-Birch Lakes, Healy, Healy Lake, Hobart Bay, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Hughes, Huslia, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Iliamna, Ivanof Bay, Juneau city and borough, Kachemak, Kake, Kaktovik, Kalifornsky, Kaltag, Karluk, Kasaan, Kasigluk, Kasilof, Kenai, Kenny Lake, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Kivalina, Klawock, Klukwan, Knik-Fairview, Knik River, Kobuk, Kodiak, Kodiak Station, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kongiganak, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Koyukuk, Kupreanof, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Lake Louise, Lake Minchumina, Lakes, Larsen Bay, Lazy Mountain, Levelock, Lime Village, Livengood, Lowell Point, Lower Kalskag, Lutak, McCarthy, McGrath, McKinley Park, Manley Hot Springs, Manokotak, Marshall, Meadow Lakes, Mekoryuk, Mendeltna, Mentasta Lake, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Miller Landing, Minto, Moose Creek, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Mountain Village, Mud Bay, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Naukati Bay, Nelchina, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, New Allakaket, Newhalen, New Stuyahok, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolai, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Noatak, Nome, Nondalton, Noorvik, North Pole, Northway, Northway Junction, Northway Village, Nuiqsut, Nulato, Nunapitchuk, Old Harbor, Oscarville, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paxson, Pedro Bay, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Petersville, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Platinum, Pleasant Valley, Point Baker, Point Hope, Point Lay, Point MacKenzie, Pope-Vannoy Landing, Portage Creek, Port Alexander, Port Alsworth, Port Clarence, Port Graham, Port Heiden, Port Lions, Port Protection, Primrose, Prudhoe Bay Quinhagak, Rampart, Red Devil, Red Dog Mine, Ridgeway, Ruby, Russian Mission, St. George, St. Mary's, St. Michael, St. Paul, Salamatof Salcha, Sand Point, Savoonga, Saxman, Scammon Bay, Selawik, Seldovia, Seldovia Village, Seward, Shageluk Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point (Nunam Iqua), Shishmaref, Shungnak, Silver Springs, Sitka city and borough, Skagway, Skwentna, Slana, Sleetmute, Soldotna, South Naknek, Stebbins, Sterling, Stevens Village, Stony River, Sunrise, Susitna, Sutton-Alpine, Takotna, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanaina, Tanana, Tatitlek Tazlina, Teller, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thoms Place, Thorne Bay, Togiak, Tok, Toksook Bay, Tolsona, Tonsina, Trapper Creek, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, Tununak, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Tyonek, Ugashik, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Upper Kalskag, Valdez, Venetie, Wainwright, Wales, Wasilla, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whitestone Logging Camp, Whittier, Willow, Willow Creek, Wiseman, Womens Bay, Wrangell, Y and Yakutat.

Auto Warranty Coverage is Available For The Following Manufacturers:

Vehicles up to 150k miles are eligible for our Car Warranty Plans.

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